Human beings are funny.  Everything can be going great, knocking tasks off our to do list and the next minute….no motivation, can’t sit down at the computer.  And when I do sit down at the computer, I accomplish nothing on my to do list.  This was how the last couple of weeks has gone for me.

And as I really think through why is my motivation no where to be found, I have to consider the idea that keeps running through my head.  “I don’t want to fail again”.

Failing is part of succeeding!  Instead of thinking “I don’t want to fail”, why not think “I can’t wait to succeed”.

Keep Moving Forward!

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Share Your Comments Below

    20 replies to "Are You Afraid To Fail?"

    • Alayna

      Hi Leslie
      Your video really resonated with me. I also feel I’ve reached a plateau and I’m struggling with creating the email sequence along ith the gulit of not making the same rate progress as before. Such is the roller coaster of this journey. Thanks for the inspiration of turning things around and looking at from a different angle to reframe the focus into a positive statement.Thanks for sharing -you are not alone:-) Alayna

      • lesliez

        It is always good to know we are not alone, Alayna. It can be a struggle at times, but continuing to take small steps toward your goal, I think helps.

        And my small step was creating this blog post.

        Yeah, and this email sequence is giving me fits. I guess it’s a case of “just do it”, don’t worry about making it perfect. It can always be changed later 🙂

        Keep pushing Alayna, we’ll get there!


    • Missy A

      This was great to hear Leslie. Thanks.

      • lesliez

        Thanks Missy for stopping by my blog.


    • Sandy Tan

      Thanks for the post Leslie. I have been thinking about this similar issue and personally, it’s more like ‘fear of success’… Success comes with responsibilities and results in more work to do. Just got to overcome it and move forward ya! Like Alayna said, you are not alone. We need each other’s ‘push’ occasionally 😀

      • lesliez

        It is interesting Sandy that something we push for and want like success can be the very thing that we fear.

        And that fear of what we want is exactly what causes us not to achieve success.

        Baffling! But that is why you need a circle of support like we have, that is what gets you through the fear and allows you to achieve success!


    • Paul Jenkins

      Hey Leslie,

      really appreciate your honesty and points in the above video. Your video, by the way, is all the more engaging for being recorded naturally in the car. This video/diary style is really powerful, when used properly as you have. Your analogy to the trucks on the road, for example. Brilliant.

      So, dealing with one of those trucks – email sequences. I suppose I’d say: IMHO any list is a collection of *individuals*; what matters is the first 10 days of value, and NEVER spam a list with offers in which you don’t believe. I know you know this stuff, but just for those who don’t who might stumble on this comment 🙂

      Cheers, Paul

      • lesliez

        Thanks Paul for the very kind comments 🙂

        And I think part of my email hangup has been because I know they are individuals on the journey I’m on, I want to make sure to add value and help them.

        Yes I want to make money also, but I don’t want to be providing crap. I really want to help them.

        I know being myself is the first step but making sure I provide that value I think has been a huge hangup. Balancing the value and making a buck is the tightrope I’m trying to navigate.


    • Dawn

      Fear of success or failure can often make us idle. We all have a “fear factor” and have to jump over that.

      One thing that keeps me motivated is that I repeat to myself that there is not failure, just lessons along the way.

      Email sequencing is a big hammer for some people. Just stop and think why your visitor subscribed in the first place. What kind of info were they interested in? How can you build upon that? Put yourself in their mind frame and really try to see it from their perspective.

      Some people say that you need to promote something every time you send a mail. I disagree. Sometimes a short mini course after the initial opt in, is a great way to lead to up to another product.

      • lesliez

        I agree Dawn. I don’t want to be a nonstop pitch fest.

        The balance between making money and providing value is huge. And because of where I am on my journey, you’d think it would be easy to write emails to “me” or those people that are where I am or where I was a very short time ago.

        Not sure why that block is stopping my progress. And I do tell myself that failure makes success…or trials make success. It’s sometimes easier to say then to really embrace.


    • Chris Cole

      I know exactly how you feel Leslie, and this fear can leave you like a rabbit in the headlights. You simply sit there doing nothing when you really know you should be doing something – anything…

      I have been through this myself and know that it is something the a lot of people have to face constantly. It is a matter of learning how to push through these walls and keep the momentum going.

      An accountability partner is a fantastic idea and something that everybody should have around them as something working online with all of its ‘Social’ elements – can in reality become a very lonely place. It is always best to talk it out with someone who can help or inspire you to keep moving!

      • lesliez

        It’s nuts that we all go through the same struggles because we are all human, yet we view our struggles are our own and no one else would understand.

        Being a part of facebook groups with like minded people and my accountability partner have been a huge support system for me as I work through these issues.

        Thanks for stopping by!


    • Josh Fernandez

      Fear really does imprison you. Have faith which is the opposite of fear.

      I share the same thing. I Fear that I will not be able to deliver for a current client of mine and that will lead to bad publicity and also will mark me down as a failure so just feel like giving his money back and giving up.

      Thank you for this this came at the right time

      • lesliez

        When you open yourself up to the world about something that may make you look like an idiot, it’s scary.

        But the number of people that has responded positively has truly been amazing. We all have fears….

        But as you say, Josh, your faith and continuing to move forward (even baby steps) is what will move you beyond the fear.

        Your client is lucky to have you. You will do right by them. Good luck.


    • Scott

      Get post Leslie and I can feel for you. We all get that way all the time. Feeling like what we are doing is it really going to work, is it going to make a difference, will people even like it?

      I say starting today forget about worrying what other people will say or think. It’s your life, it’s your business! I know it seems harsh, but no one cares about your business other than you! It’s the plain sad truth.

      What you do today will change your life for tomorrow. I find that picking one project and sticking with it till the end works for me. I also find that using a task sheet helps me too. I write down the tasks I need to do for the next day and when I get up, I tackle those tasks. I also put up a big whiteboard with all my projects so I can see what my goals are.

      There are many people we can compare ourselves to. We are all different and we all learn at different paces. Some get it right away, some don’t. One thing though, if you keep at it, you will get it. If you quit, you won’t. So pick a project, keep at it, and you will see results.

      I have a tip for you on setting up an email sequence. You don’t need to start from scratch. You can find email swipes for any topic by doing a search in Goggle like this “ + keyword” without the quotes. There you will find a list of blogs that are in your niche for your keyword. Now go create a special email account and optin to those blogs. They already have an AWeber email sequence setup so you will be able to see their email sequence. You can then simply copy their sequence and make it unique for you. Then load them into your autoresponder.

      Hope it helps and don’t ever give up…you are almost there!

      • lesliez

        Thanks Scott! That is one of the more difficult things is to not worry about what others think. Especially since your focus needs to be on providing value to your list so they stick with you.

        I’m sure if I’m genuine and work toward providing value it will all be fine.

        Some great tips in your comment. And the one with opting in to others lists to see their email sequence is brilliant! Starting with something is much better then starting from scratch.

        Thanks Scott!


        • Scott

          Welcome Leslie…try it out and see how it works for you. Remember to use a separate email account when signing up for these lists. Then start looking through their automated emails for any content that you would like to include in your email sequences. Also, take a look at what kind of offers they are promoting. That will help you in monetizing you list. You can go into any niche this way. Cool and thanks!

    • Andy Bland

      I used to be afraid to fail. But then I learn to trust my skills and believe in myself.

      • lesliez

        Some very sound advice Andy. Thanks.


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