If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.  My garden is a perfect way to explain this…

Last year my garden did not bear many vegetables. Now, I was only growing cucumbers and tomatoes, but none of the plants gave me more than 2-5 veggies the entire summer. So, I had 2 choices as this summer rolled around. One, I could do the same thing I did last summer to see if I was able to get a more abundant crop of veggies or I could try something completely different to get a bigger & better crop of veggies.

Not having a garden was NOT an option for me.  (This may be how you feel about quitting your dream of having an online business…quitting is NOT an option)

Even though it would have been easier to do what I’d always done because I was familiar with THAT way of growing veggies, I decided to do something different. Even though I knew that it would require more work.

So, I researched different ways to grow vegetables. I read books, talked to people, did research online until I decided on a course of action. Then I took action and bought supplies, built a raised bed (with my husband’s help…or should I say I helped him), mixed the soil, bought plants and planted them in my garden in a different way then I was used to.

It was quite a bit of work. In fact, it took me longer than expected, so I ended up planting my garden about 2 weeks later than I had planned.

Now, my little gardening story runs in direct correlation to what happens to many people as they build an online business. People do things one way and don’t get the results they want, but instead of changing what they are doing, they just keep doing the same thing. They do that because it is familiar, requires little work or at least it’s “comfortable work”. Work they know how to do or work that is easy. And some people quit after trying one course of action and not seeing results.

Most people like to stay in their “comfort zone” and not venture into the unknown… because it’s uncomfortable. But if you don’t get uncomfortable, you won’t change your course of action which means you won’t get the results you’re looking for.

Whether you’re growing a garden or growing a business, if what you’re doing isn’t working… CHANGE IT!

Because as long as you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten!

Do your research and jump into implementing whatever course of action you’ve chosen. And it may take longer then you expect to see results, but don’t quit…KEEP AT IT!

And what about the garden you ask?

Well, with my new plan I put into action, I have a ton more Veggies per plant and a ton more flowers. Now the summer’s not over, but based on all the little cucumbers and tomatoes, I should have a bumper crop… enough to share.

UPDATE:  My garden did product more veggies, but there is definitely room for improvement so I’m gonna have to do some tweaking.  Just like with your online business.  Just because you use a method that works for someone else, doesn’t mean it will necessarily work for you AS IS.  That doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.  It just means you may need to tweak it to work for YOU.

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Leslie Zengler’s Internet Marketing Blog

Email:  leslie@imlesliez.com

PS: If You Want to Know What I Used to Get My Abundant Gardening Results, Click Here.  And If You Want to Know What I Did Different in My Biz to Get a Profitable Result, Click On This!

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    6 replies to "If You Do What You’ve Always Done…"

    • John

      Nice post! f You Do What You’ve Always Do.
      Just because you use a method that works for someone else, doesn’t mean it will necessarily work for you as is. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. It just means you may need to tweak it to work for YOU.
      I need these lines really powerful.

      • leslie

        Thanks John! Appreciate it



      great post… well explained.. thanks for sharing

      • leslie

        Your welcome Aniruddha!


    • Donna Merrill

      Hey Leslie,

      An interesting read. Your garden must be the best place in your home 😛 Hehe Just kidding. It’s great that you have vegetables planted in your garden, great work Leslie.

      ~ Donna

      • leslie

        Hey Donna, thanks for stopping by again! Sometimes my garden IS the best place in my house 😉


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